The pursuit of IMDb Top 10: Part II

A Netflix

Luís H. Delgado Santos
4 min readOct 10, 2020
Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) em Schindler’s List (1993) — Universal Pictures. Foto: Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Escrito (e dirigido?) por Delgado. Que não é cinéfilo, não tá soltando spoiler, e acha que não tá fazendo review.

Chapter Six

Pulp Fiction

Imagem: Wikipédia

With the advent of the Internet, a new quantity of business was born and others could see new opportunities that change forever the way like somethings happen. One of these companies was Netflix. With its value curve (see below), we can see how it won the movie rental industry some years ago.

The videos stores for chapters before were closed one by one. I miss some parts of the experience as looking for a film seeing the empty box with covers, generally, in black and white. At other times, I started to request the proprietor’s opinion. When they closed, I spent time without movies until my sister open ways to Netflix at home. At a certain moment, I also started to ask myself if a film was good to watch or if I was spending my time. I already had lost the desire to read synopses, so I discovered IMDb and it solves a lot of these problems. It is important to alert at this point that always that you delegate some decision to an algorithm you need to be careful. You can lose the ability to do this yourself.

Imagem de Joost Verbakel pelo Slideshare

One day when I was still in university, probably between 2013–2018, our sixth chapter happened at Netflix. Tarantino’s films appeared on the radar. And after watch Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2013) and Vol. 2 (2004), when Netflix suggests another movie with Quentin Tarantino e Uma Thurman was hard to say no. Thus, come at Pulp Fiction. Instead of cited, this isn’t one of my favorites films. It has what I use to call a little slow and the violence level was quite exaggerated. However, I can see great points like the way that history connects, performances. The cast is extraordinary too: Uma Thurman, John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Ving Rhames, Tim Roth. Besides all that I think that this is the single movie on this list to win the Palme d’or at Cannes and the Oscar.

Chapter Seven

Schindler’s List

Imagem: Wikipédia

On a beautiful day, Netflix suggested what would be our seventh chapter and IMDb confirms that it will be a good film to watch.

It was extraordinary! Based on Thomas Keneally’s book. From Steven Spielberg, with a soundtrack of John Williams and Liam Nelson as Oskar Schindler, this is a masterpiece. For this reason, the cover of this article. It is the saddest movie ever have saw too. So, think two times what day to watch this film. After, when I was going to rate this movie in IMDb, I saw that it was better than 250’s IMDb, it was in IMDb Top 10!

Chapter Eight

The Shawshank Redemption

Imagem: Wikipédia

With the impact of the quality of our last chapter film, I started to pay more attention to IMDb Top 10. But, I didn’t have good perspectives about this future. I’ve ever had seen all movies, less three that hadn’t on Netflix included the only one better than The Godfather (1972) by IMDb.

One day, I don’t know if between 2013–2018 yet or after, I saw this poster in the Netflix catalog and immediately had a doubt. Was this the best film of IMDb? It was! With a lot of expectative, I started to watch before getting out of the catalog. It isn’t perfect, it has a single bad sequence, but It is a great film. Based on Stephen King’s short story. With Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Interestingly, theses three movies here are from the ‘90s: Schindler’s List (1993) and two of 1994: Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption.

to be continued…

